**UNPUBLISHED ON 2/22/24. Added link to Internal Marketing Webpage on Visiual Identity webpage**

The IWU Master Logo is the primary element of the Indiana Wesleyan University visual identity system and must appear on all official centralized communication pieces. The term centralized can be defined as communication pieces that are overarching to Marion campus, National & Global, and Wesley Seminary. This includes, but is not limited to, letterhead, business cards, communication pieces that speak to all the separate units of the university (Marion Campus, National & Global, and Seminary). The primary IWU Master Logo is intended to reinforce and strengthen the Indiana Wesleyan University brand. It may not be altered in any way, other than what is specified in this document.

Style Guide

This style guide is for the Master Logo. For specific questions, please reach out to your corresponding marketing and communications team.


The special horizontal IWU Master Logo is meant for wide and shallow spaces and should only be used as a second choice to the primary IWU Master Logo.

Web Version


Print Version

Master Logo_FullColor_hoizontal example

For Marion Campus Marketing and Communications, please contact IWUMarionMarketing@indwes.edu.

For National & Global Marketing and Communications, please contact NGMarketing@indwes.edu.

For Wesley Seminary Marketing and Communications, please contact NGMarketing@indwes.edu.