Faculty Profile

Tammie Grimm

Assistant Professor of Congregational Formation

Religious and Ministerial Studies


“The world is my classroom!” may not be an exact quote of John Wesley, but it does capture the ways in which God has called Tammie to live out her life and ministry. Committed to help persons be trained and equipped for Christian ministry, Tammie has particular passion for adult learners seeking to pursue formal academic study. She believes that theological education should be in service to the church and always help the learner grow in love of God and neighbor. Her work within the academy as well as the church invariably concerns those everyday moments of life in which Christian disciples are called to live faithfully as they bear the image of God and grow in Christlikeness loving God with heart, mind, soul, and strength and sharing God’s love with neighbors near and far.  

A native “Jersey Girl”, Tammie learned to pump her own gasoline and has served in a variety of congregational settings from small rural churches, to mid-sized and large suburban settings in New Jersey, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, and Chesterfield, United Kingdom before arriving in Marion, Indiana.

Tammie participated in Next Methodism’s first summit meeting, contributing to the document The Faith Once Delivered: A Wesleyan Witness.  She is collaborating with colleagues on developing catechesis materials for adults. Tammie is a senior John Wesley Fellow in A Foundation for Theological Education and serves as an ordained deacon in a local Anglican congregation.

She regularly presents at annual guild meetings including  Wesleyan Theological Society, American Professors of Christian Education, and American Academy of Religion. She serves on the editorial board of Firebrand Magazine and is a regular contributor to Catalyst.  

Ph.D. Nazarene Theological College, Manchester University, Manchester, UK


Thesis: “Holy and Holistic Transformation: The Practice of Wesleyan Discipleship and Transformational Learning Theory.
Th.M. Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ
M.Div. Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY
B.S. Environmental Science, Rutgers University, Cook College, New Brunswick, NJ


Reviving Sanctification: Reclaiming a Wesleyan Distinctive of Holy Transformation for Methodist Renewal in the Twenty-first Century, Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies.


Spiritual Emotions: A Psychology of Christian Virtue by Robert C. Roberts. Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 63 no 3 July, 2009, p. 324. Book Review.


Regular contributor to Catalyst a newsletter and resource of contemporary evangelical perspectives for United Methodist seminarians.


