A High School Student’s Perspective on Online Education

With my senior year of high school ahead of me, my vision for the future has never been more uncertain. With the virus shaking up how I expected my junior year to play out, I realized nothing is assured. But through these trying times I have gained a new understanding and appreciation of online education and how it could positively affect my college experience.

Safety. The warnings and concerns of school authorities and parents alike have filled my ears and my emails. The fear isn’t for my own well-being but in becoming a carrier to my grandparents or friends who are at risk. Through a digital classroom we can stay well over six feet from each other and still learn the same material.

Flexibility. Being only a few clicks away on any computer, online education is a more flexible alternative than in-person education. No need to stay socially distanced and wear a mask; we can wear something comfortable on our couches. This gives me, the student, the space to create my ideal study environment with little distractions. 

Reduced Cost. This is often the deciding factor when choosing a college. In an online program, the cost of living on campus and transportation is dissolved. Students don’t have to sacrifice high quality education. Online learning also affords me the flexibility in my schedule to work and earn an income, even at a full-time job, while I am earning my degree. That income makes the looming burden of student debt seem less daunting.

Additional Opportunities. Studying online means I can pursue internships and other passions without having to worry about my schedule changing because classes are starting up. Going beyond just academics, I can also invest more time in my church or community.

For many considering a degree program right now, online education is a safer and more affordable option that may offer the flexibility they need. For others, a traditional, in-person experience may be a better fit for their personal goals. The changing landscape of education means students have more choices than they’ve ever had, including exploring the possibility of online learning.

If you're ready to learn more about the opportunities available to you through online education, check out IWU's online program offerings here

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