IWU's Transfer of Credits Policy was designed so you can transfer as many course credits as possible toward earning your B.S. degree. To determine which course credits will transfer, we consider the institution's Accreditation and the Course Requirements.


Courses from regionally accredited schools are handled differently than those from schools that are nationally accredited. (Here is a quick explanation of the difference between these two types of accreditation.) All earned course credits from regionally accredited schools are considered for transfer.

IWU has well-established policies to award credits for courses from nationally accredited schools. We evaluate them on an individual basis. For example, RNs graduating from an ADN program at a nationally accredited school can earn up to 80 transfer credits, allowing them to enter IWU's RN-BSN program with an advanced standing equal to a second semester junior. We ask students to submit transcripts from all prior college studies so the maximum amount of credits can be awarded.

Credits awarded by any school for life experience or portfolios will not transfer. If you desire this type of credit, you will be asked to assemble for evaluation a portfolio of prior work, additional training, and life experience.


Any courses from schools described above must meet the following criteria in order for the credits to transfer:

  • You earned a grade of "C" or better.
  • The course number is 100 or higher.
  • The course is not remedial, pre-college, or developmental.
  • The course does not duplicate a course in IWU's major core.

Up to 90 credits may transfer toward the 120 credits required to earn a B.S. at Indiana Wesleyan University, depending on the degree program being pursued and how and from where the credits were earned. Additional college credits may be earned through examination (e.g., CLEP), the American Council on Education (ACE), military education and service, or the assembly of a life credit portfolio.


The following are examples of transfer students and the credits they were awarded:

STUDENT A: Had an associate degree in Business Administration from a regionally accredited community college. The student graduated with 72 semester credits from the community college and also had earned 32 credits from one year of studies at a state university. This student transferred 84 credits toward a B.S. in a business-related program, leaving just 40 credits remaining for her B.S. degree.

STUDENT B: Had an associate degree in General Studies from a regionally accredited community college. Thirty-five years prior this student had earned 64 semester credits from coursework she completed at a state university. The community college had transferred in 22 of those credits toward her 60 credit associate degree. This student transferred 90 credits to IWU from her community college and state university transcripts. (Ninety credits is the maximum allowable to transfer into IWU's 120-credit Bachelor's degrees.) She took just 30 credits more for her B.S. degree.

For details and limitations, see the IWU Catalog or call 866-498-4968.