When you fertilize your lawn, you could also end up fertilizing the stormwater system.

Use pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides sparingly to prevent excess runoff.
Use a slow-release fertilizer that is low in phosphorus and at least half of its nitrogen is water insoluble.
Sweep excess fertilizer back onto your lawn.
Use a broom instead of a hose to clear your driveway or sidewalk. Sweep the material back onto the lawn or garden, or dispose of it in a trash bin or compost pile.
Keep dirt, leaves, and grass clippings out of your gutters.
Use mulch around trees and plants to decrease the amount of weeds in your yard and reduce your need for pesticides.
Consider using natural alternatives to pesticides or organic lawn care systems.
Don't use pesticides or fertilizers when the weather forecast predicts rain. You will lose the chemicals that you applied when the rain washes them away, and the chemicals will harm the environment.
Don't water your lawn on a fixed schedule. Water your lawn when it needs it.
Don't overwater your lawn, which can easily carry pollution to the storm drains.
Don't allow soil or mulch to be washed away from the garden.
Don't fill your garden with plants that are foreign to your state. Native plants are more resistant to disease and require less water and fertilizer.

Yard Waste Effects

  • Transports fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Fertilizer causes algae to grow in lakes and streams, which uses oxygen that fish and other aquatic organisms need to survive.
  • Creates blockage in storm drains and pipes.
  • Increases nutrient pollution.